verything I thought I knew was turned upside down following a tragedy that I experienced seven years ago. My six-year-old son, Jesse, was brutally murdered in his first-grade classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. It was one of the worst school shootings in U.S. history. The support I received, my determination to be part of the solution to the issues that caused the tragedy, and learning about social and emotional intelligence enabled me to take control of my life for the first time. I became the conductor of the train rather than just a car on a prescribed track.

verything I thought I knew was turned upside down following a tragedy that I experienced seven years ago. My six-year-old son, Jesse, was brutally murdered in his first-grade classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. It was one of the worst school shootings in U.S. history. The support I received, my determination to be part of the solution to the issues that caused the tragedy, and learning about social and emotional intelligence enabled me to take control of my life for the first time. I became the conductor of the train rather than just a car on a prescribed track.

What I knew from neuroscience is that every thought impacts us on a cellular level and leads us toward languishing or flourishing. We have 50-70,000 thoughts per day, the majority of which are negative and repetitive. The thoughts we choose create our perception of our reality. I explained that the whole tragedy started with an angry thought in the shooter’s head, and that an angry thought can be changed. Then I asked everyone to pause, consider their thoughts, and change one angry thought per day into a loving one. By doing this, I said, you will positively impact yourself and those around you. Through the ripple effect you will help make the world a safer, more peaceful and loving place.
The response I received from that short talk was incredible. A week later, people told me that one simple act had completely changed their lives. I saw how just the awareness of our thoughts can result in a powerful, widespread impact on individual lives and the world around us. If we, as a society, would empower ourselves to choose love, we could all be part of a solution to reduce, and even prevent, so much of the suffering we see in our schools that translates into society.
What I knew from neuroscience is that every thought impacts us on a cellular level and leads us toward languishing or flourishing. We have 50-70,000 thoughts per day, the majority of which are negative and repetitive. The thoughts we choose create our perception of our reality. I explained that the whole tragedy started with an angry thought in the shooter’s head, and that an angry thought can be changed. Then I asked everyone to pause, consider their thoughts, and change one angry thought per day into a loving one. By doing this, I said, you will positively impact yourself and those around you. Through the ripple effect you will help make the world a safer, more peaceful and loving place.
The response I received from that short talk was incredible. A week later, people told me that one simple act had completely changed their lives. I saw how just the awareness of our thoughts can result in a powerful, widespread impact on individual lives and the world around us. If we, as a society, would empower ourselves to choose love, we could all be part of a solution to reduce, and even prevent, so much of the suffering we see in our schools that translates into society.

Scarlett Lewis founded the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement™ shortly after her six-year-old son, Jesse Lewis, was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut in December 2012, alongside 19 of his first-grade classmates and six educators in one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history. Scarlett found out after the tragedy that Jesse used his final moments to heroically save nine of his friends.
Jesse left a message on their kitchen chalkboard, “Norturting Helinn Love” (Nurturing, Healing Love). When Scarlett learned that these words are included in the definition of “compassion” across all cultures, she realized that love, connection and belonging are universal wants and needs that connect all of humanity.
These 3 words led to the creation of our Formula for Choosing Love, which can be used by anyone, at anytime, anywhere in the world, to manage their response to any situation (Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love). Inspired expert educators joined together and created a social and emotional education program that incorporates the latest advances in neuroscience, mindfulness, emotional intelligence and positive psychology to provide children the essential life skills that will not only help them succeed, but also reduce the likelihood that they will harm one another.

- I took my power back and regained control of my life by being present, even in my pain.
- I chose to focus outward, on solutions, and called on my connection with others to help.
- I decided to model what a courageous and thoughtful response looked like for my older son, which ultimately helped strengthen me.
- I practice the formula for choosing love all day, every day.
- I practice courage to stand up, speak out and be part of the solution.
- I choose to be grateful, even when things aren’t going my way.
- I forgive, and will continue this process for the rest of my life. By making this choice, I take back my personal power and cut the cord that attaches me to pain.
- I also practice compassion in action by stepping outside my comfort zone to help others.
This is choosing love, and it is what we can all do to thoughtfully respond in any situation, circumstance or interaction. Scientific research confirms that choosing love can benefit us physically, mentally and emotionally. It’s a choice when we are aware and have learned the skills.

Lewis travels across the United States and internationally to promote the Choose Love Enrichment Program, a no-cost, comprehensive SEL program empowering educators and students to choose love. The Choose Love Enrichment Program has been downloaded in all 50 states and in nearly 90 countries.
Lewis travels across the United States and internationally to promote the Choose Love Enrichment Program, a no-cost, comprehensive SEL program empowering educators and students to choose love. The Choose Love Enrichment Program has been downloaded in all 50 states and in nearly 90 countries.