he horror that struck a quintessential town in New England rippled across the globe. The loss of innocent young lives and the adults giving service for their futures was, and remains, incomprehensible. From that point on as a parent, that sick feeling inside of “Will my son be safe?” when dropping him off at school never faded throughout the years. The tragedy of Sandy Hook Elementary School hit close to home; two children of high school friends were inside during the mass shooting.
Initially, our team had funding. When this ran out, I quietly continued traveling between New Hampshire and Connecticut every other weekend to provide therapy. I couldn’t take away what happened to them, but I could give as much as I could to help them through the aftermath. From day one, Scarlett Lewis came to our sessions. Her son Jesse had been murdered at Sandy Hook. While on the treatment table she would share information about her foundation. She had just walked through the unimaginable and was now serving the world through a program to help prevent such tragedy from happening to another parent, another family, another community. The Choose Love Movement was a program I knew I wanted—and was needed—in my son’s school.
When Scarlett and I met with the governor and first lady months prior, they both listened, processed, and asked the right questions. We explained that the Choose Love Movement’s solutions addressed the root cause of violence by teaching children coping skills, how to have meaningful connections, and emotional management. The governor said, “Of course we are going to do this. Why wouldn’t we? There is nothing more important than the safety of our children.” With laser focus on the important issue of school safety and the health and wellbeing of our children, New Hampshire has become the first in the nation to make Choose Love a statewide initiative, thanks to Governor Sununu and First Lady Valerie. More and more people have acknowledged that Choose Love’s no-cost, next-generation social and emotional learning and character development programming can transform the culture of a school into one that is connected, uplifting, compassionate, and loving. The Choose Love Formula, which comprises the character values of courage, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion-in-action, strengthens the health and resilience of students and in turn improves their school, community, and entire culture by helping them thoughtfully respond to any situation or challenge. Today, more than 550 schools in the state have accessed Choose Love programming.
Working with the Department of Health and Human Services and the Division for Children, Youth, and Families, New Hampshire is now the first in the nation to offer Choose Love for Caregivers to those becoming foster parents or workers in the field. The program has also been brought into meetings reuniting parent and child, with great success. There has been increased engagement and bonding over common goals. Monthly workshops are also provided for youth in care, teaching how the Choose Love Formula can help in coping with adversity and moving forward in life.
I also sit on our School Safety Preparedness Taskforce and have received tremendous support from the Department of Safety from day one. When they get called in, it’s too late, as something has already happened, so proactive and preventative measures are what make the difference.

Imagine what could happen in your own state or communities by bringing people together using Choose Love. Imagine having had these skills and tools growing up to help cope with adversity and gain an even deeper appreciation for life. Imagine being a young parent and having had this to rely on to help the development of your little ones. Imagine being a college student right now, having just walked through some of the most challenging and isolating times, and having these skills and tools to rely on for coping and connecting. Imagine also the employment skills it brings. You as a leader have stepped into your position with a responsibility—a responsibility to inspire, connect, and empower those around you. I stand here holding this torch that has begun to light up my state and I offer it to you.
We might not be able to choose what happens to us in life, but we do have the power to choose our response. True growth comes from getting back up, being courageous enough to admit mistakes, learning from experiences, being authentic in our communication, and modeling the very respect we desire from others. As leaders, we have the opportunity to empower those we work with, to build them up and engage them in something so positive and powerful that the ripple effect creates wave of inspiration and change to the communities around us.

Choose Love has now been accessed in all 50 states and more than 120 countries, all through word of mouth.