he COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented change and major shifts to all our lives. The uncertainty of what lies ahead can bring about worry and frustration. As the business world begins to adjust to a new normal, we can do the same with our lives. Many things remain outside of our control, but having a positive mindset is key to facing the unknown.
Unexpected events will occur which may cause uncertainty about what course of action to take. One of the main things we don’t want to do is dwell on problems that often trigger stress and hamper productivity. We should try to accept the things that we cannot change and focus instead on those aspects of our lives that we want to, and actually can, change.
The pandemic is of course an obstacle to us physically and emotionally, but I’m trying to learn, grow, improve and adjust my life in ways that leave me better off than before COVID-19.
I am at a stage in my professional life where I want to ride the change momentum and take it all the way to building a new career − something that, until now, has only been a dream. I’ve been wanting to make this shift for some time, but the pandemic has made the change more urgent. For more than 20 years, I grew in a successful career by being the “right hand” to nonprofit CEOs and their respective boards of directors. I knew it was time to make a career change when I lost my passion, questioned my purpose and was no longer inspired to bring my best self to the workplace.
There is nothing like a global pandemic to remind us of the fleeting nature of time. I recognize and accept the fact that my time is precious, and if I have the option to make changes that will improve my life, I should do so. So instead of focusing on the uncertainty, I chose to focus on the opportunity. I pushed the pause button and realized this was the perfect time to start my journey. But to begin, I needed to be clear about three things:
- What do I want in my career and in life?
- Why do I want what I want?
- Who do I want to be when I get there?
Knowing that life is a story of change and transitions, it was important for me to be emotionally and mentally ready to even consider leaving one chapter behind in order to step into the next. First, I had to identify and clarify a vision for my future that would be more fulfilling and more rewarding. It was equally important to be clear on the core values that would guide and motivate my attitudes and actions. This understanding gave me the willingness and confidence to explore new and meaningful opportunities and to find the sweet spot where my enthusiasm, satisfaction and sustainability of success would remain high. Past experiences have shown that my core values need to be experienced and expressed, as they give me self-worth. Ignoring them leads to unhappiness regardless of my profession, how much money I make or my level of perceived success.
For three years, in addition to my full-time job, I was a life transition coach. I worked with a set group of clients one-on-one within limited blocks of time. Through this self-discovery and fearless process, it became abundantly clear that I no longer wanted to “fit” my coaching career around my full-time job. I came to the realization that my side job had to become my main job if I wanted to achieve the level of success I’d envisioned. Building a lucrative business requires dedication of time and energy, and I didn’t want anything to interfere with my success.
Taking the action to move forward, I invested in myself and enrolled in an intense online course on how to design, market and deliver effective group coaching programs so I could make a greater impact and help more people who are too stressed and overwhelmed to implement changes in their lives. This coaching style also supports my vision to work less and have the freedom to enjoy the other aspects of my life.
Making this decision required me to push back against the fear and doubt that were clouding my mind, and instead stay true to my vision and core values. I am thankful that my journey of self-exploration led me to grow my existing coaching business so I could reach more people and help them redefine and reshape the course of their lives, to step into a path that would take them someplace truly special. I am thankful that I listened to my inner voice and took the necessary steps to become a more authentic me.
Imagining there is something more, something different, that you want to do usually means there are new opportunities on the horizon. Be open and follow the things that stir your passion and creativity.
The destination will most likely be exactly what you need if you implement the following steps:
- Paint a vivid picture of a fulfilled life
- Never comprise your values
- Take stock of what’s working and what’s not working in your life
- Be open to change
- Don’t be driven by fear and always imagine the best
- Listen to your inner coach
- Celebrate your wins
Deciding to change your life can be immediate, but the change itself doesn’t always happen that fast. Don’t let that stop you from moving forward. Even the smallest steps can help reduce the negative feelings and keep the motivation for change high.
The important thing is to do something right now, because your only options are to embrace change or accept the status quo. Either way, it is important to pay attention to how you feel and do more of what makes you feel good!